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首頁 > 高考總復(fù)習(xí) > 高考知識點 > 英語高頻考點 > 2020高考英語高頻考點——做出推理和判斷


2020-02-19 10:43:11高考網(wǎng)整理







  2.題干中含有表示推測的情態(tài)動詞,如can,could,might,would等;或者含有其他表示可能性的詞,如probably,most likely等。


  What can we infer about ...?

  The first two paragraphs suggest that        .

  Which of the following statements does the passage support?

  How would the author feel about ...?

  What is special about ...?


 。2017·全國卷Ⅰ·C篇)..."Jazz seems like itis not really a part of the American appetite," Moran tells National Public Radiois reporter Neal Conan. "What I am hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black and white anymore. Itis actually color, and it is actually digital."Moran says one of the problems with jazz today is that the entertainment aspect of the music has been lost. "The music can  not be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same," says Moran.Last year, Moran worked on a project that arranged Fats Walleris music for a dance party, "just to kind of put it back in the mind that Waller is dance music as much as it is concert music," says Moran. "For me, itis the recontextualization.In music, where does the emotion (情感) lie? Are we, as humans, gaining any insight (感悟) on how to talk about ourselves and how something as abstract as a Charlie Parker record gets us into a dialogue about our emotions and our thoughts? Sometimes we lose sight that the music has a wider context," says Moran, "so I want to continue those dialogues. Those are the things I want to foster."30.What can we infer about Moranis opinion on jazz?

  A. It will disappear gradually.

  B. It remains black and white.

  C. It should keep up with the times.

  D. It changes every 50 years.

  【解析】本題干的關(guān)鍵詞是Moranis opinion on jazz,從文章中Moran所說的話可推斷出答案。由選文第一段Moran所說的話中的"What I  am hoping to accomplish is that my generation and younger start to reconsider and understand that jazz is not black and white anymore"可知B項錯誤。由選文第二段Moran所說的話中的"The music can not be presented today the way it was in 1908 or 1958. It has to continue to move, because the way the world works is not the same"可推知,爵士樂的呈現(xiàn)形式不能和1908年或1958年的一樣,它必須與時俱進(jìn),這與C項一致。A項"爵士樂會逐漸消失"和D項"爵士樂每五十年改變一次"在文中均沒有提及。C。








 。2017·全國卷Ⅱ·D篇)...Charles Darwin, over 150 years ago, imagined a world far busier, noisier and more intimate(親密的) than the world we can see and hear. Our senses are weak. There is a whole lot going on.35.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

  A. The word is changing faster than ever.

  B. People have stronger senses than before.

  C. The world is more complex than it seems.

  D. People in Darwin is time were more imaginative.officer

  【解析】要她解釋那是什么,她說leg,然后那officer露出驚恐的表情,說了句"Pardon?"她很大聲地重復(fù)說leg! 還特地在腿上比劃了半天,說:leg啊,leg,就是leg啊。在國外,學(xué)生去廁所一般都要和office里的人報告,一次我去廁所時看到有個正在值班的白人大媽,她問我要干啥,我覺得說washroom太土了點,就對她說:Where is the bedroom? I need to pee.選段由一個長句和兩個短句構(gòu)成,所提供的信息很有限。由第一句可知,Charles Darwin在150多年前曾想象一個遠(yuǎn)比我們能看到和聽到的更繁忙、更嘈雜、更親密的世界;由第二句和第三句可知,我們的感知能力很弱,有很多事情正在發(fā)生。由此推知世界遠(yuǎn)比它顯現(xiàn)出來的更加復(fù)雜。C。


 。2017·全國卷Ⅰ·B篇)I work with Volunteers for Wildlife, a rescue and education organization at Bailey Arboretum in Locust Valley. Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain. However, when it works, it is simply beautiful.    ...24.What is unavoidable in the author is rescue work according to paragraph 1?

  A. Efforts made in vain.

  B. Getting injured in his work.

  C. Feeling uncertain about his future.

  D. Creatures forced out of their homes.

  【解析】根據(jù)選段第二句"Trying to help injured, displaced or sick creatures can be heartbreaking; survival is never certain"可知,救助野生動物的工作有時讓人悲傷,因為不能保證野生動物能存活下來,也就是說,救助野生動物的努力可能會白費。B項曲解文意,第二句提到了幫助受傷的野生動物,而不是說作者難免會在工作中受傷;C項曲解文意,第二句中的"survival is never certain"是說野生動物存活下來不能確定,而不是說作者對自己的未來不能確定;第二句提到了injured, displaced or sick creatures,但是并不是說野生動物被迫離開家園,故D項不正確。A。




  What do you think will happen when/if...?

  At the end of this passage, the writer might continue to write      .

  The paragraph following the passage will most probably be about      .

  Which of the following statements is most likely to be talked about in the following paragraph?


 。2017·安徽合肥二模) Bees play a vital role in the world. Unfortunately, bees are dying very fast.The main purpose of keeping bees is to make honey. Honey, shockingly, is  not used for human consumption; it is essential to the insects. Bees store honey in their hives(蜂箱) in order to have energy for their flight muscles and for heating the hives in the winter. They collect pollen(花粉) which supplies protein for young bees to grow.According to, the production and quality of agricultural crops as a result of pollination by bees have increased a lot. These insects are responsible for over 70 kinds of the fruits and vegetables we eat today, including apples, grapes, beans and broccoli(西蘭花).So if they are so valuable to agriculture, why do they keep dying off? A key factor seems to be pesticides(殺蟲劑). Bees who are exposed to pesticides suffer from the damage to their neurological(神經(jīng)系統(tǒng)的) functions, specifically to their memory or behavior. And that is why the majority of worker bees disappear and leave behind a queen bee, plenty of food and a few nurse bees to care for the remaining immature bees and the queen bee. There are several other causes to the decline of bees, including the destruction of natural habitat, like woodlands, forests and other habitats for bees. The climate change is also a factor in the decline of the bees  population.Actually, there are a variety of methods to help the bees   population grow. One way is to start your own organic garden by planting bee\|friendly plants. Pesticides are used in both industrial practices and even in your home, so it is best to find organic seeds.35.What would the author probably discuss in the paragraph that follows?

  A. Another way to save bees.

  B. Other tips for choosing seeds.

  C. More methods to plant green organic fruits.

  D. Causes of the decline of the bees  population.

  【解析】本文是一篇說明文。蜜蜂在生物界起著重要的作用,但是殺蟲劑的使用和其他一些因素,使得蜜蜂正在快速死亡,本文探討了蜜蜂數(shù)量減少的原因并給出了增加蜜蜂數(shù)量的方法和建議。第一段:開門見山,給出全文話題——蜜蜂在世界上起著重要的作用,但是蜜蜂在快速死亡。第二段:介紹了蜜蜂采集花粉、儲藏蜂蜜的原因。第三段:蜜蜂對提高農(nóng)作物的產(chǎn)量和質(zhì)量有著重要的作用。第四段:殺蟲劑的使用和其他一些因素使得大批蜂蜜正在死亡。第五段:介紹有多種方法可以幫助增加蜜蜂的數(shù)量。一種方法是種植有利于蜜蜂的植物來啟動你自己的有機花園。第五段中的"One way"暗示下文將介紹其他能幫助增加蜜蜂數(shù)量的方法。A。





  Which of the following words can best describe...?

  Which word can be used to describe...?

  What is sb. like?

  What kind of person is...?


 。2017·北京卷·A篇)It was a cold March day in High Point, North Carolina. The girls on the Wesleyan Academy softball team were waiting for their next turns at bat during practice, stamping their feet to stay warm. Eighth grader Taylor Bisbee shivered(發(fā)抖) a little as she watched her teammate Paris White play. The two did not know each other well — Taylor had just moved to town a month or so before.Suddenly, Paris fell to the ground. "Paris is eyes rolled back," Taylor says. "She started shaking. I knew it was an emergency."It certainly was. Paris had suffered a sudden heart failure. Without immediate medical care, Paris would die. At first, no one moved. The girls were in shock. Then the softball coach shouted out, "Does anyone know CPR?"CPR is a life\|saving technique. To do CPR, you press on the sick person is chest so that blood moves through the body and takes oxygen to organs. Without oxygen, the brain is damaged quickly.Amazingly, Taylor had just taken a CPR course the day before. Still, she hesitated.She didn?t think she knew it well enough. But when no one else came forward, Taylor ran to Paris and began doing CPR. "It was scary. I knew it was the difference between life and death," says Taylor.Taylor  is swift action helped her teammates calm down. One girl called 911. Two more ran to get the school nurse...58.Which of the following words can best describe Taylor?

  A. Enthusiastic and kind.

  B. Courageous and calm.

  C. Cooperative and generous.

  D. Ambitious and professional.

  【解析】根據(jù)第五段中的"But when no one else came forward, Taylor ran to Paris and began doing CPR. ‘It was scary. I knew it was the difference between life and death,’ says Taylor"和第六段中的" Taylor  is swift action helped her teammates calm down"可知,面對緊急情況,Taylor不慌不亂,用所學(xué)的急救知識迅速幫助Paris,并用自己的舉動感染隊友,讓她們鎮(zhèn)靜下來參與救助。由此可推斷出,Taylor是一位勇敢、冷靜的女孩。B。


  adaptable 適應(yīng)性強的

  aggressive 好斗的,有進(jìn)取心的

  cooperative 有協(xié)作精神的

  cautious 謹(jǐn)慎的

  courageous 無畏的,勇敢的

  dependable 可靠的

  easy\going 隨和的

  faithful 忠誠的

  industrious 勤奮的

  independent 獨立的


  modest 謙虛的

  narrow\|minded 氣量小的,小心眼的

  out\|going 外向的

  professional 專業(yè)的,職業(yè)的


  sensible 明智的,理智的

  straightforward 率直的,坦率的




  This passage would most likely be found in      .

  The passage is probably taken out of       .

  Where does this text probably come from?

  Who are the intended readers of the passage?


 。2017·河北石家莊模擬)Among the international students in Canada who are struggling to find a job there after graduation, some eventually make it with relative ease. They are the ones who?ve already built up much internship (實習(xí)工作)experience while still attending university, as their majors offer co\|operative programs.Co\|operative programs, a feature (特色)of Canadian university programs, allow academic studies to be combined with work experience. During school years,students build up a network with employers,gain internship experience in relevant fields, and earn academic credits that count in their degrees or diplomas....31.Which section of a website does the text probably come from?

  A. Business.     B. Education.

  C. Lifestyle.     D. Culture.

  【解析】考查文章出處。由選段中的關(guān)鍵詞students,job,graduation, university, academic studies, degrees和diplomas并結(jié)合選項可知,本文與教育相關(guān),因此本文可能來自網(wǎng)站上的教育板塊。B。


  The production of coffee beans is a huge, profitable business, but, unfortunately, full is sun production is taking over the industry and bringing about a lot of damage. The change in how coffee is grown from shade\grown production to full\sun production endangers the very existence of certain animals and birds, and even disturbs the world is ecological balance. On a local level...Fullsun coffee growers destroy this forest home. As a result, many species are quickly dying out.On a more global level, the destruction of the rainforest for full\sun coffee fields also threatens(威脅)human life...Both locally and globally, the continued spread of fullsun coffee plantations(種植園)could mean the destruction of the rainforest ecology...It is obvious that the way much coffee is grown affects many aspects of life, from the local environment to the global ecology.  But consumers do have a choice.  They can purchase shade  grown coffee whenever possible, although at a higher cost. The future health of the planet and mankind is surely worth more than an inexpensive cup of coffee. Q:Where does this text probably come from?

  A.  An agricultural magazine.

  B.  A medical journal.

  C.  An engineering textbook.

  D.  A tourist guide.




 。2017·江西省六校聯(lián)考)This grand adventure through Costa Rica offers the perfect combination of luxury travel and thrilling encounters with the natural world. Travelers will visit the impressing Arenal Volcano, the magical Monteverde Cloud Forests, and the mysterious Manuel Antonio National Park.    ...23.This passage is intended for .

  A. English learners

  B. travelers liking adventures

  C. exchange students

  D. senior citizens

  【解析】讀者對象推斷題。根據(jù)文章內(nèi)容,特別是選段中的第一句話"This grand adventure through Costa Rica offers the perfect combination of luxury travel and thrilling encounters with the natural world"可知,本文是向喜歡冒險的人介紹哥斯達(dá)黎加探險之旅。B。

  【方法點津】解答這類題目主要靠理解文章內(nèi)容,也可以從作者的措詞和語氣上去判斷。上文中的"offers the perfect combination of luxury travel and thrilling encounters with the natural world"含有推薦讀者前往一游的意味,故可推斷出此文的讀者對象是愛冒險的旅行者。




  How is the passage organized?

  Which of the following best shows the structure of the passage?

  The author develops the passage mainly by        .

  This text is developed            .

  The method the writer uses to develop            .


  A warm drink of milk before bed has long been the best choice for those wanting a good night is sleep. But now a study has found it really does help people nod off — if it is milked from a cow at night.Researchers have discovered that "night milk" contains more melatonin(褪黑激素),which has been proven to help people feel sleepy and reduce anxiety.The study,by researchers from Seoul, South Korea, involved mice being fed with dried milk powder made from cows milked both during the day and at night.Those given night milk, which contained 10 times the amount of melatonin, were less active and less anxious than those fed with the milk collected during daytime, according to the study published in The Journal of Medicinal Food.Night milk quickened the start of sleep and caused the mice to sleep longer.While the effect of cows milk harvested at different time has not been tested on humans up to now, taking melatonin drugs has been suggested to those who are struggling to fall asleep at night.Previous studies have also indicated that milk can be excellent for helping sleep because of the calcium content, which helps people to relax.Milk is also sugar\|free and additive\|free with nutritionists recommending skimmed milk as the best choice before bed as it is the least fattening. The more fat you take in before bedtime, the greater burden you will put on your body at night.Q:How does the author support the theme of the text?

  A. By giving examples.

  B. By stating arguments.

  C. By explaining statistical data.

  D. By providing research results.

  【解析】這是一篇研究報告。文章指出在夜間取自奶牛的牛奶"night milk"含有大量的褪黑激素,能幫助人們?nèi)胨,減少焦慮。通讀全文,由文中的"But now a study has found night""Researchers have discovered that...reduce anxiety"和"Previous studies have also indicated relax"可知,文中作者通過提供研究結(jié)果來支持文章的主題。D。


  如:1.asking/raising questions:文中有多個問句。

  2.listing/giving examples:文中有明顯的提示語,如for example,like that...

  3.making comparisons:主要描寫對象為A,卻先寫與A相關(guān)的其他事物,并形成對比,借以突出A的特征。

  4.Using numbers/figures:文中出現(xiàn)多個數(shù)據(jù)用來說明問題。 explanations:給出定義或解釋。





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