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首頁 > 高考總復習 > 高考英語復習方法 > 09高考英語專項復習:單項選擇題及詳解<14>(2)


2009-05-26 10:06:31網(wǎng)絡資源

  11.I’d like Jane,  ______ Joan, to go to the farewell party on behalf of (代表) our class.

  A. more than        B. less than

  C. rather than      D. or other

  選C。本題考查固定短語。Would like…rather than…意思是“寧愿……,而不愿……”。該句型相當于I like Jane, not Joan. rather than意思是“而不是”。

  12 Which city in England do you think may be called  Shanghai of       West?

  A. a; the         B. the; 不填

  C. the; the       D. 不填;the

  選C。the West(西方、西洋)是固定搭配;指類似于……的人或物時,專有名詞前面冠詞,而Shanghai 又受of West修飾,所以用the。

  13. Shelly had prepared carefully for her English examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first        .

  A. intention      B. attempt

  C. purpose        D. desire


  14. It was she that  ______ a sharp whistle, which makes possible for us to catch the thief.

  A. gave off; this      B. gave out; that

  C. gave; it            D. sent out; them

  選C。前半句即主句是強調句,強調she;后半句是which引導的非限制生定語從句,it為形式賓語,指代真正的賓語即動詞不定式短語to catch the thief.

  15.My brother was still studying       into the night while I was ______ asleep.

  A. late; sound      B. lately; wide

  C. deeply; far      D. far; far

  選A。late [deep] into the night 熬夜;sound/fast副詞,表示“徹底地”,與asleep 構成習慣搭配。

  16. Kate’s little brother kicked the ball to the river; she took great trouble to get in ______ the river.

  A. on             B. from

  C. from on        D. over from

  選C。get sth from意為“從……取得某物,on the river指“河上”。注:介詞from后可接介詞短語,又如:The cat jumped out from under the bed貓從床下跳出來。

  17. Your mother ______ , however, say that to us that day.

  A. does  B. did  C. is doing   D. was doing

  選B。根據(jù)句意及that day 可知謂語動詞用一般過去時。其中的did為強調用法,表示“的確,確實”,后面必須接動詞的原形,而且要用在肯定句中。

  18. The problem just ______ to be discussed at the class meeting tomorrow.

  A. referred is        B. referred to being

  C. referring to is    D. referred to is

  選D。本題的關鍵在于理解句子結構: referred to 在句中作定語,修飾名詞the problem,而謂語動詞為is, to be discussed是它的表語,be to do表示將來的動作。

  19. I phoned my first teacher time and again when I heard that he was ill, yet couldn’t     .

  A. get through     B. get along

  C. get over        D. get hold of

  選A。由句子的意義可知,說話人得知老師生病,所以再三給老師打電話,但打不通,故應選擇A項,表示“打通電話”之意。get along 一般接with表示“相處如何/進展如何”;get over表示“恢復健康,克服困難”;而get hold of表示“抓住”的意思。這三個短語都是及物動詞要接賓語,在此均可以排除。

  20. —Henry, the phone is ringing . Do you want me to go?

  —No, sit still.       .

  A. I’ll get it        B. I am to get it

  C. I’m getting it     D. I am about to get it


[標簽:高考 復習 英語]






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