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高二英語必修五練習(xí)Unit1 Great scientists

2019-01-24 18:50:02三好網(wǎng)

 、. 單句語法填空

  1.For those with family members far away, the personal computer and the phone are important in staying __connected__(connect).

  解析:本題考查非謂語動詞。句意:對那些與家人離得比較遠的人來說,個人電腦和電話在保持聯(lián)系方面很重要。本句中的關(guān)鍵詞是stay(保持),它是一個連系動詞,后接形容詞作表語。connected是形容詞,意為“有聯(lián)系的,有來往的”,符合句意。stay connected是“stay+形容詞化的過去分詞”構(gòu)成的系表結(jié)構(gòu)。本題中的staying connected和keeping in touch表達同一個意思。

  2.The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras__returned__(return) to our shop for quality problems.


  3.When the group discussion is nearing its end, make sure to conclude it __with__ important points.


  4.__To_stay__(stay) warm at night, I would fill the woodstove, then set my alarm clock for midnight so I could refill it.

  解析:考查非謂語動詞。句意:為了在晚上保持溫暖,我會往爐子里添柴,并把鬧鐘定到午夜以便我可以起來給爐火添柴。to stay為不定式在句中作目的狀語。

  5.The old couple often take a walk after supper in the park with their pet dog __following__(follow) them.

  解析:考查with的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)。句意:這對老夫婦經(jīng)常在晚飯后帶著他們的寵物狗在公園里散步。在with的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)中,賓語their pet dog與賓語補足語之間為主動關(guān)系,故用following作賓語補足語。

  6.—I hope to take the computer course.

  —Good idea.__To_find__(find) out more about it, visit this website.


  7.__A__73-year-old woman, who died of respiratory failure on Dec.6, was confirmed to have been carrying __the__H10N8 virus.


  8.Be careful when you deal with this chemical, as it will explode when __exposed__(expose) to sunlight.

  解析:考查非謂語動詞。句意:處理該化學(xué)物質(zhì)時一定要小心,因為暴露在陽光下,它會爆炸。when后省略了句子的主語it(this chemical)和動詞be的形式is,所以填exposed。

  9.Some school teachers complained, “Many kids haven't got any hobbies— __unless__ you call playing computer games a hobby.”


  10.To be honest, no speech __made__(make) so far has had the same effect on me as this one.

  解析:考查非謂語動詞作后置定語。觀察句子結(jié)構(gòu),不難發(fā)現(xiàn)句子已經(jīng)有了謂語has had effect on,故應(yīng)填入非謂語動詞。make與speech構(gòu)成被動關(guān)系,結(jié)合時間狀語so far,故選過去分詞,即表被動又表完成。句意:老實說,迄今為止,這是對我最有影響的演講。

  11.Land used to grow crops feeds five times more people than land __where__animals are kept.


  12.Please send us all the information __that__ you have about the candidate for the position.

  解析: 本題考查定語從句。句意:請把所有申請這個職位的選手的信息發(fā)給我們。先行詞為information在定語從句中充當(dāng)動詞have的賓語,且前有all修飾,故只能用that。

  13.When he came back three hours later, they were still sitting on the sofa, __absorbed__(absorb) in conversation.

  解析:考查非謂語動詞。句意:當(dāng)他三個小時后回來時,他們?nèi)宰谏嘲l(fā)上,聚精會神地交談。be absorbed in為固定搭配,意為“專心于”,所以此處應(yīng)用absorb的過去分詞形式,作伴隨狀語。

  14.—Who is __to_blame__(blame) for the shooting at a movie theatre in America?

  —A gunman named James Eagan Holmes.

  解析:問句句意:誰要為發(fā)生在美國電影院的槍擊案負責(zé)?be to blame為固定短語,意為“該受責(zé)備”。本身為被動含義,不用于被動語態(tài)。

  15.__Reducing__(reduce) the gap between the rich and the poor is one of the main challenges facing the government.

  解析:句意:縮小貧富之間的差距是這屆政府面臨的主要挑戰(zhàn)之一,Reducing the gap...the proor是動名詞短語做主語。

  Ⅱ. 完成句子

  1.His attitude suggested that the proposal __put_forward__(提出) by the doctor made no sense.

  2.It seems that his parents __are_strict_with_him_in_his_study__(在學(xué)習(xí)上對他要求嚴格).

  3.__It_can_be_said_with_certainty_that___(可以肯定地說)pollution has a bad effect on our daily life.

  4.It can be foreseen that an organization will be set up so as to __look into the traffic accident  (調(diào)查這起交通事故).

  5.Every time he went there, he hoped to find solutions to   curing him of his disease  (治愈他的疾病).

  6.  Only when he knows the result  (只有當(dāng)他知道結(jié)果時) will he believe me.

  7.The experts suggested that   measures should be taken  (應(yīng)該采取措施) to handle the water pollution immediately.

  8.Some supporting evidence has been found from two other deaths   linked to/with this kind of disease  (與這種病相關(guān)的).

  9.The drinking water   has been improved so much that people are no longer worried about  (已經(jīng)改善了很多以致人們不再擔(dān)心) the factories in the neighborhood.

  10.__It_has_been_announced__(已經(jīng)宣布了) that two suspects were arrested in the area on the day of the robbery.

 、. 單句改錯

  1.To conclude with, the university is worth looking forward to! Let's work hard for it together!


  2.If exposing to the sun, your skin might get sunburnt.Do be careful!


  3.Absorbing in the book she was reading, Mary didn't notice me approaching.


  4.I've got some unfinished business to attend.


  5.This sentence just doesn't make sense of, no matter how you read it.


  6.We have got the instruction that we will complete the task ahead of time.


  7.Although defeating in the match, we didn't lose heart.


  8.Neither he nor I are going to see the film tonight because we have a lot of work to do.


 、. 教材原句

  1.John Snow was a famous doctor in London—so expert, indeed,__that__he attended Queen Victoria as her personal physician.


  2.But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people__exposed__(expose) to cholera.

  解析:句意:但當(dāng)他一想到要幫助受到霍亂威脅的普通百姓,他就感到很振奮。“(be) exposed to”意為“暴露于……”,在此處作后置定語,修飾people。

  3.He became interested in two theories that possibly explained__how__cholera killed people.


  4.He was__determined__(determine) to find out why.

  解析: “be determined to do”意為“下定決心做……”。

  5.First he marked on a map the exact places__where__all the dead people had lived.


  6.With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certainty__that__polluted water carried the virus.


  7.He knew that cholera would never be controlled__until__its cause was found.


  8.He found that it came from the river__polluted__(pollute) by the dirty water from London.

  解析: “the river”與“pollute”之間為被動關(guān)系,故應(yīng)填過去分詞作其后置定語。

  Ⅴ. 語篇填空

  First he marked on a map the exact places ①__where__ all the dead people had lived.This gave him ②__a__ valuable clue about the cause of the disease.Many of the ③__deaths__(dead) were near the water pump in Broad Street (especially numbers 16, 37, 38 and 40).He also noticed that some houses (such as 20 and 21 Broad Street and 8 and 9 Cambridge Street) had had no deaths.He had not foreseen this, so he made ④__further__(far) investigations.He discovered that these people worked in the pub at 7 Cambridge Street.They bad been given free beer and so had not drunk the water ⑤__from__ the pump.It seemed that the water was ⑥__to_blame__(blame).

  Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets.He found that ⑦__it__ came from the river ⑧__polluted__(pollute) by the dirty water from London.⑨__He__ immediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the pump so that it could not be used.Soon afterwards the disease slowed down.He had shown that cholera ⑩__was_spread__(spread) by germs and not in a cloud of gas.

 、. 話題寫作


  1.Simon's English teacher__is_very_strict_with__him.


  2.She often__puts_forward_questions for Simon to answer.


  3.__Apart_from__this, she suggests Simon __draw_conclusions__ from texts.




  5.Simon__has_his_compositions_checked__and learns from the good articles.


  6.__Every_time_Simon_wants_to_give_up__,she always encourages him not to.


  7.__Only_if__he never gives up can he succeed.




  Simon's English teacher is very strict with him and she often puts forward questions for Simon to answer.Apart from this, she suggests Simon draw conclusions from texts and in this way, Simon absorbs great knowledge from reading.In addition,Simon has his compositions checked and learns from the good articles.Every time Simon wants to give up, she always encourages him not to, because only if he never gives up can he succeed.With the help of the teacher, Simon has made rapid progress.

[標簽:英語復(fù)習(xí)方法 高考英語復(fù)習(xí)]






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