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首頁 > 高考總復(fù)習(xí) > 高考英語復(fù)習(xí)方法 > 英語熟詞生義250詞(用法+例句)(一)


2019-02-02 21:01:32三好網(wǎng)


  1.about 熟義:關(guān)于

  We spent the whole afternoon walking about town.prep.&adv.到處=(美)around

  2. absent 熟義:adj. 缺席的

  He looked at me in an absent way. adj. 茫然的,恍惚的

  3. abuse 熟義:v  濫用,謾罵

  She is quite a successful career woman, but actually she's much abused at home. v. 虐待

  4.accept vt.&vi.①同意(接受別人的觀點,看法)(熟義:接受)

  Tom accepted her explanation.湯姆同意她的解釋。


  I accept that the aircraft has no choice but to crash into the sea.飛機只有墜入大海,別無他法,我只好認命了。

  5. accommodate 熟義:住宿,留宿

  This hotel can accommodate more than 5oo guests. vt 容納

  He accommodated me when I asked him for help. v. 準(zhǔn)予,提供

  6. ache 熟義:v/n  疼痛

  He was aching for home. v. 渴望

  7.a(chǎn)ct  vi.熟義:行動

  It takes a couple of minutes for the drug to act.(vi.起作用) 只需幾分鐘,藥物就起作用了。

  8. acknowledge  熟義:vt. 承認,道謝

  He acknowledged me by lifting his hat. vt. 對...打招呼

  9. across  熟義: prep. 越過

  The two roads cut across each other. prep. 與...交叉,與...成十字

  10. advance 熟義:v/n  前進,推進

  she asked me for an advance on her salary. n. 預(yù)付(款)

  Share prices showed significant advances today. n. 增加

  11.add  熟義:加

  “They don't know.”he added.vt.接著說,又說;補充說

  12.address vt.①稱呼(熟義:地址,寫地址)

  The president should be addressed as“Mr President.”總統(tǒng)應(yīng)稱為“總統(tǒng)先生”。


  She turned to address the man on her left.她轉(zhuǎn)身過去,向她左邊的那人講話。

  He is going to address the meeting in a minute.他一會兒就要在大會上講話了。

  It is said that our headmaster will address the meeting. vt. 向...發(fā)表演說

  13.admit vt.(熟義:承認)

  The servant opened the door and admitted me(into the house).允許進入

  The theatre only admits 1,000 persons.容納

  14. against (熟義:反對,違背)

  The picture looks good against the white wall.prep.襯著,迎著,靠著

  15. age 熟義:n, 年齡

  Worry aged him rapidly.  v. 使變老

  16. agree with (熟義:同意)

  Your story agrees with what I heard.與……一致

  Long plane trips don't agree with me.協(xié)調(diào),適合

  17.air (熟義:n.空氣)

  Don't air your troubles too often. v. 抒發(fā);傾訴;傳播)不要經(jīng)常發(fā)牢騷。

  There was a comfortable air about her room. n. 樣子,神態(tài),氣氛

  18. alive  熟義:adj. 活著的

  The street are alive with people.  adj. 充滿(活的或動的東西)

  19. alone  熟義:adv. 單獨地,一個人地

  She alone was able to answer the question. adv. 僅僅,只有

  20. amount  熟義:n. 量

  The cost amounted to $ 2000. v. 達到,共計

  What you have said amounts to a refusal. 相當(dāng)于

  21. announce 熟義:宣布

  Warm sunshine announces the coming of spring. vt. 顯示,預(yù)告

  22. appreciate  熟義:v. 欣賞,感激,感謝

  I appreciate that I may be wrong.  v. 意識到=realize

  We appreciate the danger ahead.  v. 意識到

  23. arrival  熟義:n. 到達

  All stood up to welcome the new arrival. n. 到達的人或事物

  24. at all(熟義:常與not連用,構(gòu)成not at all:不用謝,一點也不。)

  If it is at all foggy,I shall not go out.真的,確實

  This is the first time that I have ever been abroad at all.真的,確實

  25. arm (熟義:n.手臂)

  Lay down your arms or we'll fire! n.武器v.武裝

  26. attend (熟義:出席)

  Dr.Parialal Lal attends him.vt.&vi.看護,治療

  If you go out,who'll attend to the baby?如果你走了,誰來照看嬰兒?

  The nurse attended to him day and night.  v. 看護;治療

  27. arrange  熟義: v. 安排;整理

  I've arranged with the neighbours about filling the manager's job. v. 商量

  28. arrest  熟義:vt. 逮捕

  The new medicine arrested the spread of the disease. vt. 停止,阻止

  29. assume  熟義:vt. 假定,以為

  He will assume the directorship of the project.  vt. 擔(dān)任

  30. absolute 熟義:adj; 完全的,絕對的

  The police have absolute proof that he was the murderer.  adj. 確切的

  31. accompany 熟義:vt. 陪伴,伴奏

  Strong winds accompanied the heavy rain. v.伴隨

  32. account for 熟義: 解釋說明...的原因;占...比例

  His illness accounts for his absence. 因為

  33. aggressive  熟義:adj. 好斗的,侵略的

  If he wants to succeed, he has to be aggressive. adj. 進取的

  34. alike  熟義:adj/adv. 想象地;相似的

  Teachers should care for all the pupils alike. adv. 同樣地

  35. allergic 熟義:adj. 過敏的

  I am allergic to those who could not give help.adj. 對...十分厭惡

  36. allow 熟義:v. 允許

  This diet allows you one glass of wine a day.vt.使可能

  37. ample  熟義:adj. 足夠的,豐裕的

  That you stay abroad will give you ample chances to learn a new language. adj. 廣泛的

  38. aspect 熟義:n. 方面

  a man with an impressive aspect n. 面貌,外表,樣子,外觀

  39. available  adj.  熟義: adj. 可得到的,可找到的

  The worthy professor is now available.(人)有空的

  40. advance 熟義: v./n  前進,推進

  She asked for an advance on her salary.  n. 預(yù)付(款)

  Share prices showed significant advances today.    n. 增加

  41. advise 熟義: vt. 建議

  Please advise us of the arrival of the goods. vt. 通知

  42. against  熟義: prep. 逆著,反對;倚,靠,碰

  The picture looks nice against the white wall. prep. 映襯


  43. balance 熟義: n/v 平衡

  I must check my bank balance. n. 差額,余款

  The school aims to balance the amount of time spent on arts and science subjects. v. 權(quán)衡

  44.back (熟義:n.背)

  Many of his friends backed his plan.vt.支持

  45. badly adv.(熟義:壞)

  The boy badly wants a new bike.a(chǎn)dv. 迫切

  46. bar  熟義:棒,條,吧間

  Poor health may be a bar to success in life.  n. 障礙

  47. become 熟義:v. 變得,變成

  Her new hat certainly becomes her. vt. 適于,適合

  48. before conj.才;就(熟義:以前)

  It was a long time before I got to sleep again.過了很久我才再睡著。

  I hadn't waited long before he came.我沒有等多久,他就來了。

  49. behaviour  熟義:n. 舉止,行為

  The behaviour of this computer is moderately good. n. 性能,特點

  50. blank 熟義: adj. 空白的 n. 空白

  The stranger returned my greeting with a blank look. adj. 沒表情的,空虛的,沒興趣的

  I can't think where I've left my umbrella; my mind's a complete blank. n.記憶中的空白,遺忘

  51. blue 熟義:adj/n  藍色

  His songs always make me feel blue.adj. 憂傷的

  52. beside 熟義:prep. 在...旁邊

  Beside your earlier work ,this piece seems rather disappointing. prep. 與...相比

  53. build 熟義:v. 建設(shè)

  The athlete has a solid build. n. 身材,體形

  54. bare 熟義:adj. 裸露的

  He likes to bare his heart/soul with his close friends. vt. 向某人袒露心聲

  55. bear 熟義:vt. 忍受,容忍

  He was badly wounded in the war and still bears the scars. v. 顯示,帶有

  56. bitter 熟義: adj. 苦的,痛苦的

  Why was she so bitter against Mr. Smith? adj. 強烈的(...如此強烈反對...)

  57. blanket 熟義: n. 毯子

  The whole village was blanketed with heavy snow. vt.以厚層覆(譯:... 覆蓋著厚厚的雪)

  58. break down[熟義:(機器等)壞了]

  All our plans broke down.(計劃)失敗,堅持不下去。

  59. bring (熟義:帶來)

  The cries brought the neighbours running.v.引起

  60. build (熟義:v.修建)

  The football player has a solid build.n.身材,體型

  61. build up 熟義: 建立,增強...體質(zhì)

  The noise is building up until she could not stand it. 增高,加強 62. burst 熟義:v. 使爆炸,破裂

  The storm burst and we all got wet. v.突然爆發(fā)

  63. bond  熟義:v. 使牢固結(jié)合 adj. 一定會

  I don't like being desk-bound all day. adj. 受...約束

  Mothers who are depressed sometimes fail to bond with their children. v. 發(fā)展或建立信賴和親切關(guān)系

  64.burning 熟義:adj. 熾熱的

  She is burning to tell you the news. adj.感情等強烈的

[標(biāo)簽:高三英語 英語學(xué)習(xí)]






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