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2019-05-22 08:39:08網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源


  labour force 勞動力

  land on its legs 用腳著地

  land on 降落

  Lantern Festival 元宵節(jié)(燈籠節(jié))

  laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人

  laugh sb. off one's fears 使某人發(fā)笑來減輕恐懼

  lay the person on his/her back 把一個人仰臥/平放在某處

  lead a simple life 樸素地生活

  lead to 引起、導(dǎo)致、帶來

  leave for sp. 到某地

  leave sb. alone 把……留下

  leave sb. doing 使某人一直處于某種動作狀態(tài)

  leave sth. to chance ……靠運(yùn)氣、……聽天由命

  leave sth. to sb./sth. 把……留給……

  leave the hotel by (the nearest exit) 從(最近的出口)離開賓館

  let in 讓……進(jìn)來

  let sb. down 讓……失望

  lie around 閑置、到處都是

  lie in ①位于(內(nèi)部) ②在于、源于

  lie on ①與……接壤 ②(城市)位于(河、湖、海邊)

  lie on one's back 仰臥著

  lie still 一直躺著

  lie to 與……接壤或接近

  light up 放光芒、放光彩

  like doing 喜愛做(指經(jīng)常發(fā)生)

  like to do 愿意做(特指某一次)

  line up to 滿足……的要求

  listen for 等著聽(鐘聲、節(jié)目等)

  live a simple life 樸素地生活

  live in separate rooms 住在兩個分離的房間里

  live on sth. 以……為生

  load with 承載、負(fù)擔(dān)

  long before 很久以前(常用于一般過去時、過去完成時)

  look by 旁觀

  look down upon 輕視、鄙視、看不起

  look ahead 向前看

  look for 尋找

  look forward(s) to doing/sth. 期待

  look into 往里看,調(diào)查研究

  look on sb./sth. as 把……當(dāng)作

  Look out. 小心。

  look over ①檢查②視察

  look sb./sth. up and down 仔細(xì)打量……

  look through 瀏覽

  lose heart 失去信心

  lose one's life/lives 喪命

  lose one's sight 失明

  lose one's temper 發(fā)脾氣

  lose one's way 迷路

  lose touch with 與……失去聯(lián)系

  lose weight 減少體重


  make (good) use of (充分地/很好地)利用

  make a (phone) call 打電話

  make a choice 作出選擇

  make a decision 下決心

  make a fire 生火

  make a fool of oneself 出丑、丟臉

  make a fresh start 作出一個新的開始

  make fun of sb. 對某人開玩笑

  make a good effort 作出很大的努力

  make a hit 受……歡迎

  make a part in 在……起作用

  make a plan for 為……制訂計劃

  make a promise 許下諾言

  make a search for 尋找

  make a trip (因公)旅行

  make an effort to do 努力去做

  make arrangements 做安排

  make contributions to sth./doing 為……做出貢獻(xiàn)

  make ends meet oneself 維持生計

  make for 朝……沖去

  make no answer 不回答

  make noise 發(fā)出噪音

  make one's living (by doing) (以……)謀生

  make one's way 開辟道路

  make out 辨認(rèn)出

  make progress 取得進(jìn)步

  make room for sb. 給某人留個地方

  make sb./sth. do/done/adj./n. 使……、讓……(如名詞做賓補(bǔ),則僅指職位)

  make sense of sth. 使……有意義、講得通

  make sth. into sth. 把……變成……

  make sth. out of sth. 用……做……

  make sth. to one's own measure 按某人身材做(衣服等)

  make sth./sp. the base for sth. 把……作為……的基地

  Make sure(certain) that… 確信……(祈使句)

  make up ①編造 ②和好 ③湊足(錢)、使……完整 ④構(gòu)成、組成 ⑤打扮

  make up one's mind (to do) 下決心(去做)

  make use of sth. 使用、利用……去做某事

  manage to do 設(shè)法做成……

  man-made project/satellite 人造工程/衛(wèi)星

  many a 許多(接可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù))

  many happy returns of the day 每天都快樂

  marry A to B 把A嫁(娶)給B

  may/might have done 可能做完了(某事)

  mean doing 意味著……

  mean that 意味著……(接從句)

  mean to do 打算……

  meet one's needs/demands/requirements 滿足某人的需求

  meet the demands/needs/requirements of sb. 滿足某人的需求

  meet the standard of 滿足……的要求

  meet with ①碰見、偶然遇見 ②符合、迎合、契合

  mention sth. to sb. 向某人提起……

  mention to sb. sth. 向某人提起……

  middle ages 中世紀(jì)

  mix A with B 用B與A混合

  mix sb. up sth. 把某人卷入某事中

  more than one 不只一個(接可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),謂語動詞用單數(shù))

  move around 繞著……來回轉(zhuǎn)

  much more interesting 更有趣

  much less expensive 更便宜

  much too 太(接形容詞)

  must have done 一定做完了(某事)

  must/might be doing 一定在……(對正在發(fā)生的情況推測)

  must/might have been doing 一定是一直在…… (對發(fā)生在過去,現(xiàn)在仍在進(jìn)行的情況進(jìn)行推測)


  name out 說出

  name plate 標(biāo)牌、胸卡

  named after 以……命名

  natural gift 天賦

  need doing/to be done 需要(被)……

  need have done 本來需要做的(卻沒做)

  need sb. to do 需要某人去做……

  needn't have done 本來不需要做的(卻做了)

  neither A nor B 既不是A也不是B(謂語動詞就近一致)

  next to 緊挨著、靠近

  no better than 與……一樣差

  no later than 不遲于

  no longer 不再(表動作或狀態(tài))

  no matter how = however 不管、不論(引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句)

  no matter what = whatever 不管什么(引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句)

  no matter when = whenever 不管什么時候(引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句)

  no matter where = wherever 不管在哪里(引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句)

  no matter who = whoever 不管誰(引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句)

  no more than ①兩者都不…… ②只有、僅

  no more 不再(表次數(shù))

  No sooner…than… 一……就…… (部分倒裝句式,前句倒裝后句不倒裝)

  no wonder 怪不得、難怪

  Nobody but A… 除了A以外沒有人(謂語動詞與nobody一致,用單數(shù))

  nod to 向……點(diǎn)頭

  not a bit 一點(diǎn)也不

  Not A but B… 不是A而是B……(謂語動詞與B一致)

  not a little 很、非常

  not all 不都

  not any longer 不再(表動作或狀態(tài))

  not any more 不再(表次數(shù))

  not both 不都

  Not only A but (also) B… 不但A,而且B……(謂語動詞與B一致)

  Not only…, but also… 不僅 …… ,而且……(部分倒裝句式,前句倒裝后句不倒裝)

  Not until…did… 直到……才…… (部分倒裝句式,前句不倒裝后句倒裝)

  not…at all 一點(diǎn)也不

  not…in the least 一點(diǎn)也不

  not…other than 沒有……,除了……

  nothing but/except 除了……沒有別的

  notice sb./sth. do 注意到……做過……

  notice sb./sth. doing 注意到……正在……

  notice sb./sth. done 注意到……被……

  now and then 有時;不時地

  now that 既然(引導(dǎo)原因狀語從句)


  obey the rules 遵守規(guī)則

  object to sth./doing 反對、不贊成

  of one's own 屬于某人自己的

  of oneself 自動地……

  of+no/great+interest/help/value/use/important/…+to sb. ……對某人(沒)有……

  offer (sb.) money for sth. 出價、買

  offer (sth.) for money 要價、賣

  offer sb. sth. 提供……給某人

  offer sth. to sb. 提供……給某人

  offer to do 提出要做……

  Olympic Games 奧林匹克運(yùn)動會

  on (the) television 從電視上

  on arrival 一到那里

  on average 平均

  on condition that 以……為條件

  On doing……,…… 一……就……(后接從句)

  on earth ①在地球上 ②究竟

  on one's arrival 在某人抵達(dá)的路上

  on one's feet 走路

  on one's own 自己、靠自己

  on one's way to sp. 在某人去……的路上

  on purpose 故意地、特意地

  on sale 正在出售

  on the (west) coast of some country 在某國(西)海岸

  on the contrary 相反

  on the earth 在地球上

  on the edge of 在……的邊緣

  on the left 在左邊

  on the other side 在另一邊

  on the radio 從收音機(jī)里

  on the right 在右邊

  on the sands 在沙灘上

  on the two sides 在兩邊

  on the whole 整體上

  on time 準(zhǔn)時、按時

  once a while 有時、偶爾

  once again 再次、又一次

  once in a while 偶爾、有時

  once more 再次、又一次

  once upon a time 很久以前

  one after another 一個接一個地

  one and a half years 一年半

  one another 互相、彼此

  one day 某一天

  one person in ten 十個人中有一個

  one person out of ten 十個人中有一個

  one such+n. 這樣一個……(名詞用單數(shù))

  one's attitude to/towards sth. 某人對……的態(tài)度

  one-sided view 片面的看法

  only to find 結(jié)果卻發(fā)現(xiàn)......

  only/but/all too pleased/happy/thankful to do 做……太高興/感謝了

  operate on sb. 給某人做手術(shù)

  operate on sp. 在某位置動手術(shù)

  opposite direction 相反方向

  or rather 或者說、更進(jìn)一步說

  order (that) sb. (should) do 命令某人應(yīng)該做某事(虛擬語氣)

  ought not to have done 不應(yīng)該做(卻做了)

  ought to have done 應(yīng)該做(卻沒做)

  out of breath 上氣不接下氣地

  out of one's reach 夠不著

  out of order 壞了、無秩序、亂放

  out of the reach of sb. 某人夠不到

  over and over again 一次又一次、再三

  over the radio 從收音機(jī)里

  over the years 這幾年里

  owe one's success to sb. 把某人的成功歸功于別人

  owe one's thanks to sb. 感謝某人

  owe sb. sth. 欠某人某物

  owe sth. to sb. 把……歸于……


  pass away 去世

  pass down 繼承、傳下去

  pass on a message to sb. 給(收信人)留/傳個信

  pass on 傳遞

  pass the exam 考試及格

  pay (special/little/much) attention to sth./ doing 對……(特別/不/很)注意

  pay a visit to sp. 游覽、參觀某地

  pay back the money 還錢

  pay money for sth. 付……的錢

  pay off the money/debt 還清錢/債務(wù)

  pay one's way 付……的路費(fèi)

  permit doing/sb. to do 允許(某人)做某事

  persist in 堅持(行動等)、固執(zhí)己見

  personal affairs 私事

  persuade sb. (not) to do 說服某人(不)去做

  persuade sb. into doing 說服某人去做

  persuade sb. out of doing 說服某人不去做

  pick on 挑選;挑剔

  pick out 挑選;選出

  pick up ①撿起 ②接收(廣播等) ③接某人 ④學(xué)會 ⑤購買

  plan a bicycle trip 計劃一次自行車旅行

  plan to do 計劃做……

  play a joke with sb. 對某人開玩笑

  play a part in 在……起作用

  play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人

  play against sb. 與……比賽

  play on words 語言游戲

  play the part of sb. 演……的角色

  plenty of 大量(接可數(shù)、不可數(shù)名詞)

  pocket money 零用錢、零花錢

  point at 指……(人)(有不禮貌的含義)

  point of view 觀點(diǎn)

  point out 指出

  point to 指向……

  pour in 使流入;蜂擁而入

  power failure 停電

  practise sth./doing 練習(xí)……

  prefer doing… to doing… 比起做(后者)寧愿做(前者)

  prefer sb. to do… 想讓某人去做……

  prefer sth. to sth. 和后者比更喜歡前者

  prefer to do… 更愿意……

  prefer to do…rather than do… 比起……更愿意……

  prepare oneself for 為……作準(zhǔn)備(接抽象事物)

  pretend to be doing 假裝正在做……

  pretend to do 假裝……

  prevent sb./sth. from doing 阻止……做某事

  promise (sb.) to do 承諾做某事

  promise sb. sth. 把……借給某人

  promise sth. to sb. 把……借給某人

  propose (that) sb. (should) do 建議某人應(yīng)該做某事(虛擬語氣)

  protect sb./sth. from being done/sth. 保護(hù)……免于

  prove sb. to be 證實某人……

  provide sb. with sth. 為某人提供……

  provide sth. to sb. 為某人提供……

  pull on 匆忙穿上

  purified water 純凈水

  push over 推倒

  put a question 提出問題

  put a stop to sth. 停止、結(jié)束……

  put a tax on sth. 設(shè)……稅

  put aside 放一邊、置之不理

  put away ①收拾、整理 ②打消……(念頭)

  put down ①寫下、記下 ②鎮(zhèn)壓

  put forward 提出

  put off ①推遲 ②去除

  put on airs 忘乎所以、飄飄然

  put on performances 演出

  put on weight 增加體重

  put on 穿、戴

  put one's heart into 用心于……、專心于……

  put out the fire 撲滅火

  put sb. in/into prison 把某人關(guān)進(jìn)監(jiān)獄

  put sb. through to sb. 將電話接到……

  put sb. to death 打死……

  put sb. to the trouble of doing 麻煩某人做某事

  put sth. into/in practice 投入(運(yùn)用于)實踐

  put through 使……通過、完成

  put up ①搭建、 建立 ②張貼 ③提供食宿

  put up with 忍受

[標(biāo)簽:高考英語 高頻考點(diǎn)]






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