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來(lái)源:網(wǎng)絡(luò)資源 2009-03-17 16:59:22

[標(biāo)簽:語(yǔ)法 高考 英語(yǔ)]


  1. “Do you know ______ English for ‘帥哥’?” “I’m afraid I don’t. I’m not interested in _______ English language.”
  A. the, the
  B. the, 不填
  C. 不填, the
  D. 不填, 不填
  (1) 當(dāng)語(yǔ)言名詞表特指意義,其前可用定冠詞。如:
  The English spoken in America and Canada is a little different from that spoken in England. 美國(guó)和加拿大講的英語(yǔ)與英國(guó)講的英語(yǔ)有點(diǎn)不同。
  (2) 當(dāng)語(yǔ)言名詞表示某一語(yǔ)言中的對(duì)應(yīng)詞時(shí),其前要用定冠詞。如:
  What’s the English for this? 這個(gè)東西用英語(yǔ)怎么說(shuō)?
  (3) 當(dāng)在語(yǔ)言名詞后加上 language一詞時(shí),也要用冠詞。如:
  There have been many changes in the history of the English language. 英語(yǔ)發(fā)展過(guò)程中有很多變革。

  2. I couldn’t remember the exact date of the storm, but I knew it was ______ Sunday because everybody was at ______ church.
  A. a, the
  B. a, 不填
  C. 不填, a
  D. 不填, 不填
  【陷阱】容易誤選D,因?yàn)樾瞧诿~前不加冠詞;而 at church 表示在教堂里做禮拜,其中也不用冠詞。
  He came on the Sunday and went away on the Monday. 他星期日來(lái),星期一就走了。
  My birthday happened to be on a Saturday. 我的生日碰巧是星期六。

  3.Which person do you refer to, the one with ______ long hair or the one with _______ long beard?
  A. a, a
  B. 不填,不填
  C. a, 不填
  D. 不填,a
  【分析】最佳答案選D。hair 和 beard 在用法上并不完全相同:hair 可用作可數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞,用作可數(shù)名詞時(shí),指一根一根的毛發(fā)或頭發(fā),如說(shuō) There’s a hair in my soup (我的湯里有根頭發(fā));用作不可數(shù)名詞(集合名詞)時(shí),則是整體地指一個(gè)人的頭發(fā)。比較:
  He has gray hairs. 他有幾根白發(fā)了。
  He has gray hair. 他滿頭白發(fā)了。
  而beard 則通常只用作可數(shù)名詞,且指的是一個(gè)人所有的胡須,而不是指一根胡須,它的復(fù)數(shù)形式,通常是指多個(gè)人的胡須,而不是指多根胡須,如:
  He no longer wears a beard. 他不再留胡須。
  Not all men grow beards. 并不是所有的男人都留胡須。

  4. I once watched _______ one-act play, which was played by _______ 11-year-old boy.
  A. a, a
  B. an, an
  C. a, an
  D. an, a
  【分析】最佳答案填C。第一空填 a,因?yàn)?one-act 的讀音是[??????],它的第一個(gè)音是輔音不是元音;第二空填an,是因?yàn)?11的英文是 eleven[??????],它的第一個(gè)音是元音不是輔音。類似以下各題的答案是 C 不是其他:
  (1) Before he was arrested, he had taken _______ one-month holiday, and stayed in the country with ________ 18-year-old girl, one of his students.
  A. a, a
  B. an, an
  C. a, an
  D. an, a
  (2) We hired _______ one-eyed man to play in our film, and we gave him _______ 100-pound check for just one minute.
  A. a, an
  B. an, a
  C. a, a
  D. an, an

  5. “Have you seen _____ pen? I left it here this morning.” “Is it _____ black one? I think I saw it somewhere.”
  A. a, the
  B. the, the
  C. a, a
  D. the, a
  【分析】最佳答案為C。第一空填a,比較好理解;而第二空填a是因?yàn)榇司渲械膐ne 并非指前面提到的 pen,即這里的 one 與前面的 pen 并非同一事物,這從后面一句的 I think I saw it somewhere 可以清楚地知道。請(qǐng)比較下面一題:
  “Have you seen _____ pen? I left it here this morning.” “Is it _____ black one? I found it in the corner.”
  A. a, the
  B. the, the
  C. a, a
  D. the, a
  此題的最佳答案是 A不是C。請(qǐng)注意其后 I found it in the corner這一信息,它表明說(shuō)明者是拿著筆在與對(duì)方說(shuō)話。請(qǐng)?jiān)倏匆粋(gè)類似的例子:
  “Have you seen _______ new bike? I put it here just now.” “Is it _______ white one? A boy has ridden it away.”
  A. a; a
  B. a; the
  C. the; the
  D. the; a
  此題答案選A,注意其后的 A boy has ridden it away 表明自行車已不在說(shuō)話者身旁。

  6. My friend Mary is _____ beautiful girl and _____ girl everyone likes to work with.
  A. a, a
  B. a, the
  C. the, a
  D. the, the
  【陷阱】很容易誤選B,認(rèn)為第一次提到 girl 用不定冠詞,第二次提到就應(yīng)該用定冠詞。
  【分析】最佳答案為A。句中第二次提到 girl 時(shí)并不是特指的,此句實(shí)為一省略句,補(bǔ)充完整為 My friend Mary is a beautiful girl and she is a girl everyone likes to work with. 請(qǐng)?jiān)僮鲆韵略囶}(答案選A):
  (1) Jim is _______ brave boy and _______ boy never fearing anything.
  A. a, a
  B. a, the
  C. the, a
  D. the, the
  (2) It is really _______ useful dictionary and _______ dictionary every one of us needs.
  A. a, a
  B. a, the
  C. the, a
  D. the, the







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