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首頁 > 高考總復習 > 高考英語復習方法 > 2018年高考備考:高三英語精編短語與句型


2018-02-06 10:09:31求知學園


  1.care for 喜愛;照顧 2.leave alone 不管;隨……去 3.in want of 需要 4.close up (尤指暫時)關閉;使靠近 5.care about 介意……,在乎,關心 6.safety standards 安全標準 7.working conditions 工作條件 8.social conscience 社會道德 9.a poor excuse 一個差勁的借口 10.bring in 賺入……;獲利 11.be badly-off 生活窮困 12.fall asleep 入睡 13.have no eye for 不關心;不在意 14.far from 遠離;一點也不 15.comment on 評論,批評,解釋 16.in face of 面對……,在……面前,不顧…… 17.in favor of 支持……,贊同……;為有利于…… 18.in praise of 稱贊…… 19.in hope of 抱著……的希望 20.in charge of 掌管,負責 21.in memory of 為了紀念;為追悼…… 22.in honor of 為了紀念 23.in search of 搜尋 24.in need of 需要 25.turn down 拒絕 26.as follows 如下 27.end up in 以……告終,以……為結局 28.one by one 一個接一個地;逐個地 29.date back to (時間)追溯到 30.get it wrong 誤解 31.on the contrary 相反的是;反而 32.toast to 干杯;祝酒 33.make sense of 弄懂……的意思 34.in other words 換句話說;換言之 35.take risks 冒險 36.experiment with 進行試驗;進行實驗 37.piles of 一大堆;一大批;一大團 38.fall behind 落后于 39.come across (偶然)遇見 40.make progress 取得進步 41.adjust...to... 調整……;調解…… 42.as a consequence 因此

  43.regardless of 不顧,不管,不拘 44.take place 發(fā)生 45.thanks to 多虧了,由于 46.wake up 醒來;叫醒 47.stay up 挺住;堅持不睡覺 48.broaden one’s horizons 開闊眼界 49.in the beginning 開始;起初


  1.But make sure to be early in the office the day after!(make sure 后常接從句或of doing sth.) 2.Much good may it do you!

  3.If they would rather die,they had better do it. 4.It’s not my business.

  5.My hands are too cold to write.

  6.Let’s observe another little scene,as you might have in your life to come.(as引導定語 從句) 7.I beg your pardon a thousand times.

  8.Learning a language is obviously more than memorizing words,phrases and structures.(more than 不僅僅) 9.If you were to spend as many hours studying English,you would make great progress.(虛擬條件句)

  10.The less anxious and more relaxed the learner,the better the language acquisition proceeds.( the more ...,the more ... 越……,越……)

  11.Not all of us want to be translators or interpreters.(部分否定)

  12.It is time(that)the bus arrived here to pick up all the passengers.(虛擬語氣的使用) 13.It is high time for us to put an end to this silly argument.

[標簽:高三英語 復習資料 英語知識點]






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