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來源:網(wǎng)絡資源 2018-10-21 23:03:32



  一. 介詞的語法作用

  用來表明名詞、代詞與句中其他詞的關系的詞叫介詞。介詞是虛詞,不能重讀,不能單獨作句子成分,需要和它后面的詞共同充當句子成分。介詞及其賓語在句中作定語、狀語、表語及賓語補足語等成分。如The key to the door is missing.(定語)  Marx stayed in Belgium for some time and then went to France.(狀語)   Japan is to the east of China.(表語)

  Make yourself at home.(賓語補足語)

  二. 介詞的分類

  1. 根據(jù)介詞的構成形式可將介詞分為以下幾類:

  簡單介詞:at, by, for, in, on, from, during, past等

  復合代詞:out of, onto, into, insede, without等

  短語介詞:because of, instead of, in front of, by the end of等

  雙重介詞:from behind, from around, till after等

  動詞的-ing形式介詞:including, considering, regarding, concerning等

  2. 根據(jù)介詞的意義可將介詞為以下幾類:

  ○1 表示方位和空間關系的介詞:at, round, in, over, below, in front of, outside, among, away from, around, on, under, above, behind, inside, near to, off, beyond, past, across, over, up, opposite

  ○2 表示時間的介詞:at, in, around, between, since, during, till, after, on, about, round, for, until, by, before, from …to …

  ○3 表示工具、手段、方式等的介詞:like, in, with, by

  ○4 表示其他含義的介詞:without, besides, with, except, instead of

  三. 常用介詞的用法

  1. 表示時間的介詞

  ○1 at, in, on和by

  A. at的用法:

  a. 時間的一點、時刻等,如at 12:00, at noon, at night, at midnight, at dawn, at daybreak

  b. 較短暫的一段時間,可指某個節(jié)日或被認為是一年中標志大事的日子,如at Christams,

  at New Year, at the Spring Festival

  B. in的用法:

  a. 表示在某個較長的時間內(nèi)(如世紀、朝代、年代、月及泛指上午、下午和傍晚等),

  如in the 1980s, in Qing Dynasty, in October, in the morning

  b. 表示在一段時間之后,如I'll be back in an hour.

  C. on的用法:

  a. 用于表示具體的日子或一個特定的時間,如某日、某節(jié)日、星期幾等。如on October 1st,

  on a rainy day,  on National Day

  b. 用于表示特定的上午、下午或晚上。如on the eve of victory (勝利前夕),on the morning of January 3rd,  on the afternoon of his arrival

  c. 準時、按時on time

  D. by的用法:

  a. 表示"不遲于,在(某時)前",如He must have arrived there by now.

  b. 表示"在……間""在……時間",如He worked by day and slept by night.


  ○2 after與in


  A. in的用法:


  如My father will be back from abroad in three days.

  B. after的用法:

  a. 與表示一段時間的詞連用,常與過去時態(tài)的謂語動詞連用,這時相當于"一段時間 + later"如He left home and went to the front after two days / two days later.

  b. 與表示時間點的詞連用,常與將來時態(tài)的謂語動詞連用。

  如I'll go and see her after three o'clock.

  易錯誤區(qū):"in the past"意為"在過去",與過去時態(tài)的謂語動詞連用。如In the past, novillagers dared do that; "in the past / last + 時間段"意為"在過去的……中 / 內(nèi)",表示從現(xiàn)在算起過去的一段時間,包括此時此刻在內(nèi),常與現(xiàn)在完成時態(tài)連用。如In the past / last few years, great changes have taken place in this village.

  ○3 during, for, from和since

  during除具備in表時間段的用法外,還可指在某一活動過程中,如during the night,during the fire,during the meeting。for后接時間段的名詞詞組,表示行為狀態(tài)持續(xù)了多久,如I have lived in this city for more than 10 years.   from接時間點的名詞詞組,表示行為或狀態(tài)的起始點,而不涉及其持續(xù)時間的長短,如My younger sister began to learn dance from the age of five.   since接時間點的名詞詞組,不僅表示行為或狀態(tài)的起始點,而且還強調該行為或狀態(tài)從起始點一直持續(xù)到此時此刻,因而與延續(xù)性動詞的現(xiàn)在完成時連用,如I have been working in this factory since I gradeuated in 1993.

  2. 表示空間和方位的介詞

  ○1 above, over, on, below, under, beneath

  A. above側重于相對水平高度,不一定在正上方,其反義詞是below。如The sun is above the mountain in the east.     The position he pointed to was below the sea level.

  B. over側重于垂直高度,即位于正上方,其反義詞是under。如Be careful, there is a heavy box over your head.    The little mouse is under the table, so it is not easy to find it.

  C. on側重于與物體表面接觸,其反義詞是beneath。如There are some stamps on the desk.

  ○2 across, over, through, past


  如The Great Wall winds its way from west to east, across deserts, over mountains, through valleys, till at last it reaches the sea.

  After the meeting, I went past the past office straight to my home.

  ○3 at, in, on   三者均表示地點,"在……處"

  A. at

  a. 用于指較小的地方,如We'll meet each other at the park.

  b. 用于門牌號碼前,如My grandparents live at 105 Beijing Road.

  B. in 用于指較大的地方,如She lived in Hong Kong for 20 years.

  C. on 一般指與面或線接觸,如Put the pictures on the wall.

  ○4 near, by, beside, at   四個詞都表示"在……附近",但側重點不同。

  A. near表示相對的"近",而實際距離可能并不近。

  如A new hospital is being built near our school.

  B. by和beside都表示"靠近",但beside比by更具體地表示出"在……旁邊"的意思。

  如I planted an apple tree by the river.    The girl was sitting beside her mother.

  C. at表示"在……旁邊"之意,但多表示有目的的和所處的位置,而by和beside僅表示位置關系。如We are sitting at the desks listening to our teacher.

  ○5 to, for, toward(s)

  用于表示來往行動動詞之后,表示行動的方向,多用to,如go,come, walk,run,dash,rush,move,fly,return,lead,take等;用于表示"起程,出發(fā),離開"的動詞之后,多用for,如leave,start,set off等;用于表示"朝……方向"時,to和towards是同義詞,不表到達,而to不僅表方向,還表到達。

  如After the soldiers got well prepared, they set off for the front.

  The plane is flying towards the north, but it's difficult to decide which area it's flying to.

  ○6 in, on, to在方位名詞前的區(qū)別,三詞都可表示兩地之間的位置關系。

  in表示在范圍之內(nèi),如Shandong Province is / lies in the east of China.;to表示在某范圍之外的地方,如Japan is / lies to east of China.;on表示"毗鄰、接壤",如Mongolia is / lies on the north of China.。

  ○7 between,among    二詞均表示"在……中間,在……之間"。

  between表示在二者之間,有時between之后也可能出現(xiàn)三個或三個以上的賓語,但這時所強調的仍然是其中每兩者之間的相互關系,如This secret is only between you and me.   而among指在三者或三者以上之間,如We'll visit a town among the mountains.

  ○8 in,on二詞均可表示"在……上",描寫兩個物體的接觸情況。

  in側重于接觸的深度,如 We found a square hole in the west wall.

  on側重于表面接觸,如There is a map of the world on the wall.

  溫馨提示:○1 英語中若打擊某人的臉、眼、嘴、胸、腹等部位時,用in,如They hit the boy in the face and then ran away.

  而打擊頭、額、鼻、耳、頸、肩、腿等部位時,用on,如The teacher patted the boy on the head and comforted him.

  ○2 表示植物本身生長出來的葉、花、果等,用on,如There are lots of apples on the tree.

  ○3 表示植物本身以外的人或動物"在樹上",用in the tree,意指被枝葉遮掩其中。

  如Birds often play in the tree.

  ○9 after,behind二詞表示"在……之后"。


  如Winter comes after autumn.    Behind the hospital stood a school.

  Shut the door after / behind you.





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