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2019-02-02 21:02:29三好網(wǎng)


  65. can(熟義:能)

  Mother cans fruit.n.罐頭vt.做成罐頭

  66. capital 熟義: n. 首都,首府;資本

  Our capital task at the moment is to persuade her to calm down. adj. 極嚴(yán)重的,根本的

  67.cause ( 熟義:n.起因,v.引起)

  The UN has done a lot for the cause of world peace.聯(lián)合國為世界和平事業(yè)做了許多貢獻(xiàn)。

  We are struggling for revolutionary cause.  n.事業(yè)

  68. celebrate 熟義: vt. 慶祝

  He celebrated her for her courage. vt. 稱頌,贊揚(yáng)

  69.chance (熟義:機(jī)會)

  There is a chance that I will see him.n.可能性

  We chanced to be out when she called.v.碰巧

  70. check 熟義:vt. 檢查

  We should check the spread of the disease. vt. 阻止,制止

  71. choice 熟義:n. 選擇

  Some of his remarks are really choice. adj. 斟酌得當(dāng)?shù)?/p>

  72. civil 熟義:adj. 公民的,國內(nèi)的

  He is a civil person. adj. 有禮貌的,彬彬有禮的

  73. class  熟義:n. 班級

  It is no doubt that the professional classes do a much better job than those who are not. n. 階級,階層,等級

  74. climate 熟義:n. 氣候

  The cultural climate here is somehow a little upsetting. n. 風(fēng)氣;思潮;傾向

  cloudy 熟義:adj. 陰天的,多云的

  Who did it still remains cloudy.  adj. 不明朗的,不清晰的

  75. coach 熟義:n. 教練

  She coached me in English.  v. 輔導(dǎo),指導(dǎo)

  76. command 熟義: v. 命令,指揮

  His bravery commanded our respect.v. 博得,贏得

  77. contain 熟義: v. 含有,包含;克制

  The man was later contained by the police. v. 制服

  He is too excited to contain his laughter. vt. 抑制

  78. count 熟義:n/v  計算,數(shù)

  There are 10 people in the classroom counting two teachers. vt. 包括

  It is not how much you read but what you read that counts. vt. 重要,有價值

  She was counted among the greatest dancers. vt. 視為,以為

  79. couple 熟義:n. 一對,一雙;一對夫婦或情侶

  The dining car was coupled onto the last coach.  v. 連接,聯(lián)合  (餐車與最后一節(jié)車相連)

  80. come back①重新流行②頂嘴③回想起來(熟義:回來)

  Do you think long dresses will ever come back?你認(rèn)為長裙子還會再流行嗎?

  He came back at her with a nasty remark.他以惡毒的語言回?fù)羲?/p>

  It's suddenly to come back where I saw you last.突然,我想起上次我在什么地方見過你。

  81. come in開始流行;上市;上臺執(zhí)政;承擔(dān)(任務(wù))(熟義:進(jìn)來)

  This style is certain to come in this year.今年這種款式肯定流行。

  If the Workers'Party comes in at the next election a lot of industry will be state-owned.如果工人黨下屆上臺執(zhí)政,許多工業(yè)都將收為國有。

  Here is the plan of attack,and this is where you come in.這是我們的攻擊計劃,這是你要執(zhí)行的任務(wù)。

  82. come on進(jìn)行,進(jìn)展;開始(下雨);上映,上演,舉行(熟義:快過來)

  How has he come on at school this year?他今年學(xué)業(yè)進(jìn)展如何?

  The rain has just come on.雨剛開始下。

  The next exam comes on in early summer.下次考試將在夏初進(jìn)行。

  83 . come out①出版;②開花;③結(jié)果(如何)(熟義:出來)

  Everything will come out all right.一切都會好的。

  84. company n.有人作伴;伙伴;客人(均為不可數(shù))(熟義:公司)

  You may know a man by the company he keeps.你可以從一個人所交的朋友了解他的為人。

  He came in company with a group of girls.他是和一群女孩子來的。

  85. concert (熟義:音樂會)

  86. The various governments decided to act in concert over this matter.各級政府決定互相配合處理此事。

  The team made a concerted effort to win the game.n.協(xié)作,一致

  86. cost vt.使失去(生命、健康等)(熟義:花費(fèi);值……)

  The patient's dangerous condition cost the doctors and nurses many a sleepless


  87. count 熟義:數(shù)(數(shù)目)

  Every minute counts.vi.重要

  On the whole she counted herself a fortunate wife.vt.認(rèn)為

  88. cover  熟義:v.走完(一段路),看完(多少頁書);涉及;報導(dǎo),覆蓋

  Here is £5;that should cover all your expenses.v. 夠付(費(fèi)用)

  89. course  熟義: n. 課程,過程

  The main course was a vegetable stew. n. 一道菜(譯:這道主菜是蔬菜燉肉)

  90. cross  熟義: v. 跨越,橫穿  n. 十字

  Don't be cross with him---after all, he meant to help.  adj. 生氣的

  91. cut 熟義:vt 砍,割,切

  His rude remarks cut me. vt. 傷感情

  92. case  熟義: n. 情況,狀況

  There are three cases of fever in school. n. 病例,案例

  93. casual   熟義: adj. 偶然的,隨意的

  He was employed as a casual labourer. adj. 臨時的

  94. cater  熟義: v. 為社交活動提供飲食;承辦酒席

  TV must cater for many different tastes. v. 滿足需要,迎合

  95. caution 熟義:n. 謹(jǐn)慎

  The teacher cautioned him against being late. v.告誡,提醒

  96. chance 熟義:n. 機(jī)會

  She chanced to be in when he called. v. 碰巧

  97.choke 熟義: v. 窒息,哽咽

  I managed to choke back my tears.v.強(qiáng)忍住,抑制,克制

  98. charge 熟義:索價,收費(fèi);指控,控告

  Mother charged Alice to take good care of the baby. v. 賦予...責(zé)任或義務(wù)

  99. challenge 熟義: v. 挑戰(zhàn)

  I challenged him to a game of chess. v. 強(qiáng)烈建議干某事

  100. clean  熟義:adj. 干凈的

  I clean forgot about it. adv. 徹底地,完全地

  101. company 熟義:n. 公司

  You must know a man by the company he keeps. n. 陪伴,做伴,伙伴

  102. conduct  熟義: v. 組織,實施,指揮,引導(dǎo)

  He conducted himself far better than expected. v. 舉止,表現(xiàn)

  103. congratulate  熟義: v. 祝賀

  I congratulated myself on my escape. v. 為成功感到高興或自豪,恭喜

  104. consume  熟義:vt. 消耗,消費(fèi)

  The fire soon consumed the old wooden buildings in the neighbourhood. vt. 燒毀, 毀滅


  105. damage 熟義: v/n  損壞

  He claimed $ 7000 damages from the taxi company. n. 賠償金

  106. dash 熟義:v. 猛沖

  Being badly ill, he was dashed to hospital. vt. 急送

  His mother dashed him into going to school every day.vt. 催促

  107.dawn 熟義:n  拂曉,v.  破曉,天亮[來源:學(xué)科網(wǎng)]

  The truth began to dawn on him. vt.開始明白

  108. desert 熟義:n 沙漠

  He deserted his wife and children and went abroad. v.拋棄,離棄

  We sheltered from the storm in a deserted hut.我們在一間空無人住的茅屋里躲暴風(fēng)雨。

  109. develop 熟義:v. 發(fā)展,開發(fā),研制

  Did you have the film developed? v. 沖印,沖洗

  develop a disease 得病

  He developed a cough.他咳嗽起來了。

  develop a habit 逐漸形成一個習(xí)慣

  110. difficult 熟義:adj 困難的

  You must get the permission of your difficult mother before getting married.

  adj. 難以取悅的,不易滿足的

  111.deal with①與……做生意;②與……來往③論及(熟義:處理;對付)

  Do you deal with Sm ith,the butcher?你與肉商史密斯有生意往來嗎?

  108. dismiss 熟義:v.  解雇,開除

  He just laughed and dismissed my suggestion as unrealistic. vt. 拒絕考慮某人的意觀點(diǎn)等 [來源:Z#xx#k.Com]

  112.do (熟義:做,制作)

  The shoes won't do for mountain-climbing.vi.可以,行;夠了,

  Practice and determination will do wonders.  v. 創(chuàng)造

  Everything is doing well.  vi.  進(jìn)展

  113. down 熟義:adv. 向下,在下面

  I paid $1000 down on the car. adv.作為首付款

  114.draw (熟義:畫)

  The football match between the Korean team and the American team was so wonderful that it drew a lot of people,though in the end they drew the match.


  What moral are we to draw from the story.v. 獲得,取得,推斷出

  115. drive  v. 駕駛

  Hunger drove her steal.v. 迫使某人做不好的事

  116. delicate  熟義:adj. 精巧的,微妙的,脆弱的

  I admired your delicate handling of the situation. adj. 巧妙的

  117. deliver 熟義: 遞送,傳遞,發(fā)表演說,接生

  Only education can deliver people from misery. vt. 解救,拯救,使擺脫

  118. deposit 熟義:v. 把錢存入銀行

  He deposited the book on the desk. vt. 放下,放置[來源:Z&xx&k.Com]

  119. divorce 熟義:v. 離婚

  You can't divorce science from ethical questions. v.使分離,使脫離。

[標(biāo)簽:英語學(xué)習(xí) 英語復(fù)習(xí)方法]






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