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來源:高考網(wǎng)整理 2020-02-13 18:31:50


  41. He can be at home now because the light in his room is still on.

  表特別有把握的肯定判斷時用must,表特別有把握的否定判斷時用can, can表判斷時只用在否定句中。因此把can 改為must。

  42. He need come here before the meeting begins.

  作情態(tài)動詞時need用在否定,疑問和條件句中,不能用于肯定句中,而作實意動詞時則可以。所以應(yīng)改為:He needs to come here before the meeting begins.

  43. He used to get up very early in the morning, and now he is still doing so.

  used to 用來表示過去常常做某事而現(xiàn)在不了,所以應(yīng)把后半句改為:but now he is not doing so.

  44. I needn’t come yesterday because all the work had been finished.

  由于情態(tài)動詞本身不體現(xiàn)時態(tài),所以在談?wù)撨^去的事情時在情態(tài)動詞后加 have done,因此在 needn’t 后加have。

  45. You hadn’t better stay up too late because you have to get up early tomorrow.

  had better 的否定在 better 后面加not.



  46. I will tell her about that when she will come tomorrow.

  主句為將來時,其時間、條件、方式和讓步狀語從句中用一般現(xiàn)在時。因此將will come改為comes。

  47. The meeting is about to begin in ten minutes.

  be about to 一般不與具體的時間狀語連用。因此把 in ten minutes 去掉。

  48. The boy opened his eyes for a moment, looking at the captain and then died.

  此處look并非伴隨狀語,而是三個并列的謂語動詞,因此把looking 改為looked。

  49. I have bought this bike for ten years and I am still using it now.


  50. I haven’t learnt any English before I came here.




  51. The two thieves have been disappeared.

  disappear 為不及物動詞,因此不能用于被動語態(tài)。所以把 been去掉。

  52. The building built now will be our teaching building.

  表“現(xiàn)在正在建的”應(yīng)用被動語態(tài)的正在進(jìn)行時,因此在built 前加being。

  53. He is being operated by the famous doctor.

  主動語態(tài)變?yōu)楸粍诱Z態(tài)時,應(yīng)注意短語動詞的完整性,別忘了介詞或副詞。“給…做手術(shù)”應(yīng)為operate on sb,所以在operated 后加上on。

  54. I wonder if the doctor has been sent.

  原因同上,應(yīng)在sent 后加上for。

  55. The book written by him is sold well.

  說一本書暢銷是指書本身的屬性,因此不用被動語態(tài)。本句應(yīng)改為:The book written by him sells well.

  56. This history book is worthy reading.

  “值得被做”可以有如下幾種說法:be worth doing; be worthy of being done; be worthy to be done. 因此本句應(yīng)該為:This history book is worthy to be read.


  57. We are going to talk about the problem discussing at the last meeting.


  58. The girl dressed herself in red is my sister.

  dress為及物動詞,意為“給…穿衣服”,此處為分詞作定語修飾girl, girl應(yīng)是它的邏輯賓語,因此把herself去掉。

  59. Being seriously ill, his class-mates sent him to hospital.

  分詞作狀語時,其邏輯主語為這句話的主語,此句應(yīng)為“因為他病了,他的同學(xué)才把他送到醫(yī)院去”,因此把前半句改為:He being seriously ill.

  60. Having not seen her for many years, we could hardly recognize her.

  現(xiàn)在分詞的否定應(yīng)把not放在現(xiàn)在分詞前面,所以前半句應(yīng)改為:Not having seen her for many years.

  61. Seeing from the space, the earth looks like a ball.

  分詞作狀語,其邏輯主語應(yīng)是這句話的主語,此句中地球應(yīng)該被看,所以把Seeing 改為Seen。

  62. English is easy to learn it.

  此句中是不定式作狀語修飾easy, English應(yīng)該是learn的邏輯賓語,所以把it去掉。

  63. I will get somebody repair the recorder for you.

  “讓某人做某事”可以有以下幾種表達(dá)法:make sb do sth; have sb do sth; get sb to sth. 因此在repair 前加to。

  64. She decided to work harder in order to not fall behind the others.

  不定式的否定把not放在to前面。因此應(yīng)改為:She decided to work harder in order not to fall behind the others.

  65. It’s better to laugh than crying.

  表比較時比較的雙方應(yīng)為同種結(jié)構(gòu),或都是名詞或都是不定式。因此有兩種改法:It’s better to laugh than to cry 或 It’s better laughing than crying.

  66. It’s no use to send for the doctor.

  做某事是沒用的要說成It’s no use doing,所以把to send 改為sending。

  67. She practices to play the piano after school every day.

  practise 后只跟動名詞作賓語,因此把to play 改為playing。

  68. When the teacher came in, he stopped listening to the teacher.

  stop doing 為停止做這件事,而stop to do 為停下來正在做的事去做這件事。所以后半句應(yīng)該為:he stopped to listen to the teacher.


  69. We are talking about if this plan should be carried out.

  If 和whether都可以引導(dǎo)動詞的賓語從句,如果從句做的是介詞賓語,只能用whether引導(dǎo)。所以把if 改為whether。

  70. I can not decide if to stay or not.

  只有whether才能和不定式搭配使用。因此把if 改為whether。

  71. My suggestion is we try for a second time.


  72. What will the professor say is not known yet.

  名詞性從句的語序都是陳述句語序。因此應(yīng)改為:What the professor will say is not known yet.


  73. I will go unless he invites me.

  此句意為“除非他邀請我,否則我不去。”而unless相當(dāng)于if not, 所以本句應(yīng)改成:I won’t go unless he invites me。

  74. Although he tried, but he still couldn’t keep up with the others.

  although 和but 不能同時用在一句話中,去掉任何一個都可以。

  75. I won’t stay until he comes back.

  含有not…until的句子的謂語動詞應(yīng)是點(diǎn)動詞,含有until的肯定句的動詞應(yīng)是延續(xù)性動詞,此句有兩種改法:I will stay until he comes back.或I won’t leave until he comes back.







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